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Sustainable work environment

A sustainable work environment and ensuring the wellbeing of its employees make Nordic Paper an attractive workplace. Nordic Paper prioritises and works systematically on creating a safe workplace free from accidents, with high attendance rates and minimal safety risks.

The Company’s values and Code of Conduct are key elements in the emphasis on health and safety, which is integrated into all day-to-day operations. The overall goal is to ensure that a healthy and safe workplace is provided for the Company’s employees as well as for contractors, temporary personnel and visitors.

Nordic Paper has a vision of a workplace free from ill health and accidents. All serious incidents and accidents are systematically investigated to identify any sources of risk that could expose the employees to health hazards or accidents, and to implement preventive measures. 

We aim for diversity in an environment that embraces the individuality of all employees. Every year an employee survey is conducted to provide an idea of how the employees view their workplace. The survey is an important tool in developing a sustainable work environment.

Nordic Paper offers occupational health care and provides a wellness benefit to encourage exercise and healthy leisure activities, as well as other health-promoting activities at our plants and the areas around them.

Sustainability goals

Kristallkula på stubbe reflekterar barrskog.

Overall long-term goal
A workplace free from ill-health and accidents.

Target for 2025
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR): < 7

Safety culture - an ongoing journey

Hållbar arbetsmiljö

Nordic Paper's efforts within protection and safety are extensive and have been intensified in recent years. The most important work is what happens during daily operations when colleagues interact.