Business conduct
Nordic Paper distances itself from bribery and corruption. We comply with Swedish and EU legislation, including anti-corruption and competition laws. Our anti-corruption guide guides and supports our Board of Directors, employees and partners as to how they should act from a busi-ness ethics perspective to avoid and prevent bri-bery and corruption.
Sustainable enterprise – routines and processes
Sustainability is a prerequisite for good business; it applies to everything from customer satisfaction to production and choice of suppliers. Our vision and business policy highlight the importance of sustainable development and sustainable actions being taken in our operations. This is reflected in our processes for managing business systems, planning, production and sales strategy. We have, for example, certificates for quality and food safety. Our ambition of maintaining a uniform level of quality in all units means that we are certified with a multisite certificate of quality: ISO 9001.
Sustainable business conduct: Nordic Paper has zero tolerance for corruption and bribery. An internal training has been conducted for all managers in "Guidelines against bribery and corruption" and all managers received information about the company's new whistleblower service. The agent agreements were supplemented at the same time with the corresponding content. A review of the company's routines to ensure that no sales are made to countries and customers that are subject to corruption risks and sanctions was started during the quarter. Before the end of the year, routines must be supplemented and updated based on risk analyzes.
Code of conduct
Code of conduct
Code of conduct suppliers
Code of conduct suppliers
Sustainability report 2024
The sustainability report is a part of the Nordic Paper Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2024.
Sustainability is at the very heart of our products. Learn more about our certificates and standards.