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Strategy and financial goals

Nordic Paper’s overall strategic ambition is to achieve profitable growth and maintain leading market positions in selected premium niche segments within the global kraft and greaseproof paper markets that exhibit a positive growth outlook and are supported by structural growth drivers. Fundamental to the implementation of our strategy is the business concept to offer selected customers high quality and service.

The Board of Directors of Nordic Paper has decided on the following financial targets:

Growth 2-4%: An annual long-term net sales growth rate of 2-4 per cent. In addition, Nordic Paper is looking to opportunistically grow through selective acquisitions.

EBITDA margin 20%: EBITDA margin of approximately 20 per cent in medium term.

Net debt/EBITDA <2.5x: The net debt in relation to EBITDA is not to exceed 2.5x. However, the net debt to EBITDA ratio may temporary exceed 2.5x, for example in connection with acquisitions.