Executive management
The information below on shareholding includes also shareholding of closely related persons, physical as well as legal.
Anita Sjölander
Chief Executive Officer since 2019
Born: 1965
Education: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
Background: Mill manager, Gruvön mill, BillerudKorsnäs
Other current assignments: Board member of Swedish Forest Industries Federation
Shareholding: 19,000 shares
Niclas Eriksson
Chief Financial Officer since 2018
Born: 1967
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Accounting, Karlstad University
Shareholding: 10,300 shares
Henrik Essén
Director of Sustainability and Communication since 2021
Born: 1974
Education: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, KTH Royal Insitute of Technology, Stockholm
Shareholding: 17,000 shares
David Högström
Director of Supply Chain & IT since 2023
Born: 1979
Education: Systems science, Karlstad University
Shareholding: 3,300 shares
Markus Larin Rosendahl
Director of Strategy and Business Development since 2023.
Born: 1981
Education: Master of Science in Business Administration from University of Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics & Law
Shareholding: 5,781 shares
Daniel Lindkvist
Director of Human Resources since 2022
Born: 1975
Education: Courses in business administration, HR, leadership and informatics, Karlstad University
Shareholding: -
Linda Nordqvist
Director of Sales and Marketing, in the management team since 2022
Born: 1973
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Karlstad University
Shareholding: -
Christian Persson
Director of Operations since 2019.
Born: 1972
Education: Programme of Forest Industry, specialized in pulp and paper, Karlstad University.
Shareholding: 1,270 shares