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The paper bag that survived nine international mail deliveries

In October 2023, "The Cross-Atlantic ePack Experiment" was launched. The experiment aimed to test the durability of an e-commerce bag made of kraft paper by sending it back and forth between different countries via international mail.
The Cross-Atlantic ePack Experiment - video

The e-commerce bag used in the experiment is made of Nordic Paper's kraft paper iamKraft ePack. After being packed with promotional clothing, the bag was sent from Karlstad, Sweden to Quebec, Canada. After crossing the Atlantic to visit Quebec twice, the bag remained intact.

Then, the travel plan changed, and the bag was sent on a European trip. Before returning to Karlstad, the bag visited France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark.

In total, nine international trips through six countries were completed. Every trip was made by mail, and despite all the journeys back and forth, the bag was still intact when it was finally unpacked.

– Even though this doesn’t count as a scientific experiment, it still proves that it works great to have your e-commerce goods delivered in a kraft paper bag. It's exciting that we can deliver such a durable product made of forest raw materials, says Pia Dahlén, Product Manager.

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